A new remote_entry$ field was added to support the 9.3.0 release of the QuoteInAPI alert. The new remote_entry$ field is populated with “N”ormal, “W”eb, or “P”rior Record initially.
The web order “Bill-To” address is used upon conversion of a quote to an order. When a web order is accessed via Sales Order Entry (SOE210), if available the Bill-To address in the in SORSOA file is displayed for the Sold To information. If there is no matching record in SORSOA then the standard ARCUST Sold-To information is used.
This allows an API-generated order to have a Sold-To address other than what is on file for the customer. This keeps track of the fact that this order was created/converted from a web/API generated quote.
The programs were changed for this enhancement:
SO Document Inquiry (SOI620) - Document Inquiry header detail
For quotes, the Header Detail screen contains a new Origin prompt, which details the origin of the sales order document. Available origins are: N-non-remote, W-web, or P-Prior.
Quote Listing (SOR710)
A new Origin prompt was added to Quote Listing and the associated report formatter. Use the Origin prompt to filter the Quote Listing by document origin: All, Non-Remote, Web, Prior.